Rotterdam Films

Rijneke & van Leeuwaarden


Dirk Rijneke

BOATMEN, directed by Dirk Rijneke, is a documentary about the dangerous life and work of the rowers calling themselves Boatmen.



Every year more than 80.000 deep sea ships call at the port of Rotterdam. The film ‘Boatmen’ portrays the hard working men of the rowers association VIOS (Progress Is Our Aim). Every ship that visits Rotterdam, is connected and disconnected on the quay by these rowers. It’s dangerous work and they face harsh conditions.

Boatmen is een documentaire die het dagelijkse leven en werk van de roeiers in de Rotterdamse haven vastlegt. De film gaat behalve over de bijzondere bedrijfsstructuur van de roeiers, ook over de vriendschap van de mannen onderling.


Feature length documentary
HD, 40 min, color

Director: Dirk Rijneke
Camera: Dirk Rijneke
Production: Rotterdam Films (Mildred van Leeuwaarden & Dirk Rijneke)
Supported by: City of Rotterdam, Port of Rotterdam, Development Fund for Cultural Broadcasting Programmes (Stifo), TV Rijnmond, RMF and Rotterdam Festivals.

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